Sep 21, 2023Liked by Bridget Thoreson

Very excited for this newsletter and community, Bridget! Thank you.

In answer to the questions posted in today's newsletter, I'd say that although I was never fully drawn in by the 'perks' offered by the typical career ladder trajectory (progression via job titles being one of them), I did for quite a long time think that the only way to go was up. And that anything other than that would imply risk or stagnation or taking a cut, be in pay-wise or experience-wise. But as part of the career river shift in mindset, I have come to better understand that, for me, the typical career ladder would perhaps force me to take on jobs or types of roles that focus too much on things that only deplete me of energy. And that focus too little on what gives me energy, or on things that I want to learn in order to develop. To give a concrete example, I have always felt like being a team leader/manager was not something I was interested in, but I was repeatedly told (even by well-intended mentors and co-workers) that I would be unable to escape this element in whatever jobs I would do going forward. This is such a limiting view, and as we know, it's a view that leads to challenging or problematic managers and leaders that perhaps aren't suited to these roles but are being pushed into them because that's what progression looks like. Having now managed a big team, I can say that even though it's something I can do well, the trade-off between the energy it requires and what I get out of it is simply not worth it, at least at this point in my career. And it's freeing to realise this and be ok with it.

I'd love to hear more stories from this community about navigating one's career river, and the thinking and process behind making certain decisions or taking those risks :)

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Thank you for sharing Madalina! That point about energy is so important - we should be celebrating different skill sets for the variety they bring to the whole, not forcing people into roles that deplete them because “it’s the next step up.”

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Bridget Thoreson

The career river expresses the idea that we are in command of the direction of our career. We may hit calm waters where everything is going well, there are no ripples to capsize us, but we need to evaluate our growth as a navigator. Then there are the rapids, or more turbulent waters. These are where we need to evaluate the river and the challenges it represents. Do we paddle harder, go with flow, realize we are in over our heads and go to shore? What are we looking to accomplish once we are through those rapids? Where do we look to land once the waters have slowed a bit?

My own path, although still in education has ebbed and flowed through multiple facets. I am currently where I am supposed to be. I am challenged in positive ways that still bring me out of my comfort zone. I enjoy WHO I work with and the relationships I've built and continue to build. And I continue to grow both personally and professionally.

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Well said Hillary!

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